On 29 October 1816, Caroline Augusta (formerly known as Charlotte) married Francis II, Emperor of Austria, King of Hungary and Bohemia. She lived to a grand age for the 1800s.
She became the fourth wife of the emperor, who was 24 years older than her. He had incidentally fathered thirteen children by two of his previous wives. The English diplomat Frederick Lamb called the new empress "ugly, clever and amiable" (was he being cruel?). The emperor, her husband, had this to say of her: "She can stand a push, the other was nothing but air." The wedding, and indeed their married life, was somewhat frugal. The Emperor favoured strict economy within his household.
The marriage lasted until the emperor's death almost 20 years later, and albeit harmonious throughout she remained childless. She did however become popular in Austria and she gave herself to charitable causes, founding of several hospitals and provision of accommodation for the poor. After the death of her spouse in 1835, she moved to Salzburg and lived there in quiet dignity until her own death nearly four decades later. The dowager empress died in February 1873, on the day after her 81st birthday.

Who was John Cromwell?
An interesting snippit taken from official military archives and embellished with a little background history in reference to English regiments serving in the Low Countries:
The Civil War was still ongoing in England and the regiments were, on the face of it, pro-Royalist. In Jan 1649 when Parliament took control of the country and executed the king the general feeling in the Netherlands was one of shock and horror especially as William, Prince of Orange was the king's son-in-law. When the ruling Commonwealth in England sent Chief Justice St John to the Hague to forge a confederacy between the two republics he was abused by the public and failed to achieve his objective. There followed a war between the English and Dutch, placing the English regiments in a difficult position. But they were regarded as being supporters of the Royal family and therefore not loyal to Oliver Cromwell.
The Colonel of one of the regiments was *John Cromwell* - related to Oliver but a staunch royalist, so much so that he changed his name to Williams. Fortunately for the officers and men the war was carried on at sea and not involving land forces.
And a mistake that was, because several of the officers were in Cromwell's pay throughout and were dutifully spying on the Royals. But interestingly two of the most notorious re royal scandal and accusations of shared mistresses, were embraced by Charles shortly after the restoration despite both were related to Lucy Walter - one a true gentleman albeit a spy, and the other a blackguard double-agent of the worst kind. But who was John Cromwell?

Arthur Wellesley latterly Duke of Wellington.
Contrary to belief by many authors of Georgian and Regency novels set during the Peninsular Wars, Arthur Wellesley is oft referred to as the D of W.
Unfortunately, he was not awarded the title Duke of Wellington until the 3rd of May 1814, the year Napoleon abdicated as Emperor and was dispatched to Elba. Thus the long saga of Napoleon's reign had ended, but a year later with Napoleon's escape from Elba and fast re-establishment of a Grand Armee, it once again fell to the now Wellington and the Allies to mass and defeat Napoleon once and for all, hence he was dispatched to St Helena where he died in confined exile.

What could Daniel Defoe possibly
have in common with the Duke of Monmouth?
Well, quite a lot!
If you didn’t know before reading
this, then let me introduce you to the rebel soldier “Defoe”, who was a staunch supporter of Monmouth’s cause to topple James
Stuart (James II) from his throne. Yes indeed, Defoe fought in Monmouth’s rebel
Unlike Monmouth, Defoe evaded capture (contrary to many Wiki accounts of Defoe’s life and supposed Kingly pardon) and made safe escape first to the Scilly Isles and secondary escape to the Low Countries. There Defoe lived in exile for several months and made many friends in Flanders (family ties/origin Flanders) and with Hollanders, as had Monmouth. But, when William of Orange ousted his father-in-law from the English throne, the invasion thus notably referred to as The Glorious Revolution, Defoe had prior returned as a spy, his travels abroad bringing him home after the terrors inflicted by Judge Jeffrey upon Hampshire, Dorset, and Somerset.
In self accounts of his own life, Defoe is sparing on detail to do with the Monmouth rebellion, though did say: whilst hiding in a churchyard from royalist soldiers who were hunting runaways from the Battle of Sedgemoor, he read the inscription on a tombstone: "Robinson Crusoe" which later became the novel, apparently inspired as much by his escape from English shores to the Scilly Isles and shipwreck off the island. Was this poetic licence and showmanship on his part, perhaps not, given the seriousness of those who fled the battlefield at Sedgemoor.
Unlike Monmouth, Defoe evaded capture (contrary to many Wiki accounts of Defoe’s life and supposed Kingly pardon) and made safe escape first to the Scilly Isles and secondary escape to the Low Countries. There Defoe lived in exile for several months and made many friends in Flanders (family ties/origin Flanders) and with Hollanders, as had Monmouth. But, when William of Orange ousted his father-in-law from the English throne, the invasion thus notably referred to as The Glorious Revolution, Defoe had prior returned as a spy, his travels abroad bringing him home after the terrors inflicted by Judge Jeffrey upon Hampshire, Dorset, and Somerset.
In self accounts of his own life, Defoe is sparing on detail to do with the Monmouth rebellion, though did say: whilst hiding in a churchyard from royalist soldiers who were hunting runaways from the Battle of Sedgemoor, he read the inscription on a tombstone: "Robinson Crusoe" which later became the novel, apparently inspired as much by his escape from English shores to the Scilly Isles and shipwreck off the island. Was this poetic licence and showmanship on his part, perhaps not, given the seriousness of those who fled the battlefield at Sedgemoor.
Defoe was a journalist of his time, noting and recording events and printing news sheets and pamphlets - a Pamphlateer who became a Musketeer in Monmouth's Rebel Army.
Extra: Many of Monmouth’s supporters who evaded capture were known to the authorities but never found despite intense searches of houses by brutal means against existing occupants. Of those who escaped to the Scilly Isles and other island retreats and thought of themselves as safe and out of reach of the King’s hounds, were soon to learn the awful truth that the king’s vengeance had far from dissipated, even with the brutal finale of Monmouth’s decapitation.
As naval ships were sighted on approach or anchored off-shore on those outlying islands so escapees were again forced into hiding or smuggled away in fishing boats to foreign shores. Defoe was in their number and with steel grit and determination he made it to the shores of Spain, took ship to Oostende in Flanders (family ties/roots/origin) which was under Spanish rule, and slowly made his way to the Dutch held territories of the Low Countries.
He returned to English shores as a spy for William Orange, and come the Glorious Revolution, Defoe rode to greet William ashore. He led a colourful life thereafter with literary merits, and as did so many more of his ilk he lived well, spent well, and died as near a pauper as man can when things go awry in financial matters.
The most dreadful account of Judge Jeffreys enacting a despicable remit, was the sending of privates parts of notables "to the wives/mothers" of those who were hung drawn and quartered. A list of prisoners and their respective fates can be viewed here.
Extra: Many of Monmouth’s supporters who evaded capture were known to the authorities but never found despite intense searches of houses by brutal means against existing occupants. Of those who escaped to the Scilly Isles and other island retreats and thought of themselves as safe and out of reach of the King’s hounds, were soon to learn the awful truth that the king’s vengeance had far from dissipated, even with the brutal finale of Monmouth’s decapitation.
As naval ships were sighted on approach or anchored off-shore on those outlying islands so escapees were again forced into hiding or smuggled away in fishing boats to foreign shores. Defoe was in their number and with steel grit and determination he made it to the shores of Spain, took ship to Oostende in Flanders (family ties/roots/origin) which was under Spanish rule, and slowly made his way to the Dutch held territories of the Low Countries.
He returned to English shores as a spy for William Orange, and come the Glorious Revolution, Defoe rode to greet William ashore. He led a colourful life thereafter with literary merits, and as did so many more of his ilk he lived well, spent well, and died as near a pauper as man can when things go awry in financial matters.
The most dreadful account of Judge Jeffreys enacting a despicable remit, was the sending of privates parts of notables "to the wives/mothers" of those who were hung drawn and quartered. A list of prisoners and their respective fates can be viewed here.
George Damer, 2nd Earl of Dorchester.
Always during research for projects,
articles, or even novels, interesting “asides” capture the moment. For me
research is much like taking a country walk and suddenly a flower, an animal or mayhap an insect draws the eye and I wander off the main path.
That’s what happened in
the case of George Damer, born 28 March 1746, Died 7
March 1808. Who, between 1792-1798 was a British politician: his title that of Viscount
Milton. He held many Governmental offices throughout his life, though I’ll not
venture to all in detail. Needless to say, his father, the Ist Earl of Dorchester
led an equally interesting life.
The Interesting aspect of George Damer’s life (for moi) was 25 June 1798, when he was appointed colonel of the
Dorset Militia in succession to Lord Rivers. He resigned from this post in late
As Lord Dorchester he was also “Lord Lieutenant of Dorset”.
As Lord Dorchester he was also “Lord Lieutenant of Dorset”.
All Lord Lieutenants are appointed by the monarch of the day.
Then in 1803 he became Colonel of
the Dorsetshire Yeomanry Cavalry, and held this post until 1808. He was without any shadow of doubt, a
great favourite of the Royal family who were regular visitors to his estate in
Dorset and stayed there as close family friends.
Milton Abbas Dorset
He died in Park Lane, London, March
1808, aged 61. He was sadly unmarried and his titles became extinct. But, his
estates were inherited by his sister Lady Caroline Damer, and on her death in
1828, they passed to cousins (Dawson), who assumed the additional name of

What did the Queen of Bohemia have in common with the 1st Earl of Craven?
Elizabeth, Queen of Bohemia - Sister to Charles I
William, Earl Craven
What did they have in common?
Love and affection, and in brief, he became her master of the horse - a title oft used for men who were lovers and or confidantes of widows, whether the latter was of royal blood or a wealthy commoner. They met whilst her nephew Charles was in exile on The Continent, and he later provided much needed accommodation within London for Elizabeth when she returned to England at the Restoration of her nephew Charles II: 1660.
It is stated Ashdown House was built in 1662 by Earl, William Craven, as a house fit for the queen he loved. Its setting is on the Berkshire Downs not far from Faringdon, and of Dutch styling; lovingly referred to as The Dolls' House.
As with many tragic love stories - imagined or real - Elizabeth died before the house was completed.